Every 68 Seconds.

Someone in the United States is sexually assaulted.



The average cost of an inpatient hospital stay for an Arizona survivor is $53,957.

9% of survivors are forced to pay these fees out of pocket.


At 94 per 100,000 residents, Tucson has a rate of rape nearly 3 times the national average.


In Arizona, roughly 2 in 3 individuals charged with a sex crime will walk free.


What Are We Doing About It?

Well, just about everything that we can. Through our advocacy efforts, we work with government to create a more fair and equitable world for all survivors. A world in which reporting is streamlined, a world in which we believe survivors, and a world in which survivors have access to what they need to rebuild. Through financial aid, we work to ensure that survivors can feed their families, that their children have access to quality education, and that they have access to essential healthcare.